
We are committed to developing health care professionals who have a sound foundation in movement science and are prepared for safe, 自治, 以及在不断变化的医疗环境中作为物理治疗师的道德实践. 通过这个项目, 我们的Faculty激励了一个多元化的学生群体,终身为患者服务, body, 这种精神建立在康复和医学的证据和最佳实践之上.

学分 101
  • 物理治疗师
  • 居家护理PT
  • 儿科PT

We are committed to engaging your mind and spirit for service to Christ in the church and the world.

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我们的团队随时准备为您提供更多的项目细节, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


Join us for an on-campus visit day or virtual information session to learn more about our program, 满足Faculty, 还有更多! 今天在这里注册.

通过物理治疗博士(DPT)项目, you’ll receive the in-depth training for entry-level practice of physical therapy as a generalist clinician. 在你们28个月的学习过程中, 你不仅会探索这个专业的科学基础, 还有医疗保健领域领导者的专业特征. 您将学习如何管理PT员工和人员, 创建促进健康生活的项目, 并遵循临床实践的法律和道德标准.

我们的综合课程包括人体解剖学和运动的课程, 治疗性运动, 神经科学, 临床决策和问题解决, 肌肉骨骼疾病, 仅举几个例子. 这种学习将在实地和我们最先进的设施中进行.

This accelerated graduate face-to-face program consists of 101 semester credits which is spread over 29 didactic courses, 还有三个临床经验. 这些课程和临床经验在七个学期内完成. 学生将完成1280小时的临床教育. The curriculum incorporates interprofessional learning experiences and simulation activities aimed at engaging the student in the rich professional content.


The DPT program at CUAA inspires a diverse student body for life-long service of patients in mind, body, 这种精神建立在康复和医学的证据和最佳实践之上.

  1. 我们的毕业生表现出基督教的关怀价值观, 同情, 尊重, 同理心和理解, 个人责任感和对病人的信任, 同行, 同事之间的互动.
  2. Our graduates serve as culturally competent professionals when engaging with patients, 家庭, 同事和同事, 在社区和专业组织中担任服务角色.
  3. 我们的毕业生将准备提供高质量, 非常高效。, 物理治疗服务在各种设置通过直接访问或转诊.
  4. Our graduates will use clinical problem-solving skills to establish a physical therapy 诊断 and 预后, 基于对患者的检查和评估, 并实施安全有效的护理计划.
  5. 我们的毕业生将展示有效的书面, 人际关系, 在与患者的所有互动中进行专业沟通, 同行, 和他的同事们.
    1. [人际关系] Demonstrating appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication with patients and 家庭.
    2. 【正规赌博十大网站】物理治疗检查的完整电子文件, 评价, 诊断, 预后, 干预措施, 和结果
    3. [professional] Communicate diagnostic results and clinical impressions with other practitioners as appropriate
  6. 我们的毕业生将展示选择适当措施的能力, 收集准确的信息, and analyze the results in order to determine the need for further physical therapy treatment.

4月25日生效, 2023, 安娜堡康考迪亚大学 has been granted Candidate for 认证状态 by the Commission on 认证 in Physical Therapy 教育 (波托马克大街3030号.22305-3085,弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市100室; phone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org).  If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call (734) 995-7431 or email hailey.waryas@3600151.com.

Candidate for 认证 is an accreditation status of affiliation with the Commission on 认证 in Physical Therapy 教育 that indicates the program may matriculate students in professional courses.  Achievement of Candidate for 认证状态 does not assure that the program will be granted Initial 认证.

  • 安阿伯

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